Motors4Music Online Registration
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SMHS Music Boosters is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization; your donations may be tax deductible.
Waiver of Liability: As consideration for the privilege to participate in the Motors for Music show, I hereby release and discharge the organizer, committee members, volunteers, San Marcos High School Music Boosters, San Marcos High School, San Marcos Unified School District, and all people who are connected with the management of the event from any and all known and unknown damages, injuries, losses, and claims to my vehicle, its occupants and myself. I further acknowledge that all photos taken become property of San Marcos High School Music Boosters and may be used in their publications and for promotions. Entry fees are non-refundable. Submission of this form and payment confirms my acceptance of the above waiver of liability.
Email with any questions or concerns. Look forward to seeing you at the show!