Snack Volunteers,
First of all, a big thank you! The students really appreciate these snack bags! You are making 12 snack bags (or more if you signed up for multiple slots) AND delivering them to SMHS (by front office) on tournament day at Student Call Time. Printable copy KR Snack Bag Ideas.
What to Include/Not Include
* LABEL EVERY BAG with the Section name (so they get their bags).
* NO NUTS OF ANY KIND — we have students and adults who are seriously ALLERGIC to peanuts/nut products.
* Nothing perishable, easily squished, or that melts in the heat (bags travel in hot trucks and do not get distributed to students until after they perform, about 9:00pm).
* 4-5 snacks items per bag (PLUS a drink box, not Capri Suns, they leak)
* Consider including some gluten-free items (popcorn, corn chips, dried/fresh fruit, jerky), we have students that this really matters for
- Dried fruit, fruit snacks, fruit leather, fruit roll-ups, apples, cuties, carrot sticks, grapes, raisins
- Beef jerky, turkey jerky, snack mix no nuts
- Goldfish, popcorn, pretzels, tortilla chips, potato chips, crackers, rice crackers (gluten-free)
- Pop tarts, Rice Krispies treats, fruit & cereal bar, cookies no nuts, granola bars no nuts
- Juice box, flavored water (avoid Capri Sun pouches, they leak)
For Fun
Feel free to decorate the snack bags if you are inclined. It’s not required at all, but just a fun KR tradition. Remember to put the Section name on each bag.
Now, let the show begin!
Go Knights!